extend(<Object> dest, <Object> src?) |
Object |
Merges the properties of the src object (or multiple objects) into dest object and returns the latter. Has an L.extend shortcut. |
create(<Object> proto, <Object> properties?) |
Object |
Compatibility polyfill for Object.create |
bind(<Function> fn, …) |
Function |
Returns a new function bound to the arguments passed, like Function.prototype.bind.
Has a L.bind() shortcut. |
stamp(<Object> obj) |
Number |
Returns the unique ID of an object, assiging it one if it doesn't have it. |
throttle(<Function> fn, <Number> time, <Object> context) |
Function |
Returns a function which executes function fn with the given scope context
(so that the this keyword refers to context inside fn 's code). The function
fn will be called no more than one time per given amount of time . The arguments
received by the bound function will be any arguments passed when binding the
function, followed by any arguments passed when invoking the bound function.
Has an L.bind shortcut. |
wrapNum(<Number> num, <Number[]> range, <Boolean> includeMax?) |
Number |
Returns the number num modulo range in such a way so it lies within
range[0] and range[1] . The returned value will be always smaller than
range[1] unless includeMax is set to true . |
falseFn() |
Function |
Returns a function which always returns false . |
formatNum(<Number> num, <Number> digits?) |
Number |
Returns the number num rounded to digits decimals, or to 5 decimals by default. |
trim(<String> str) |
String |
Compatibility polyfill for String.prototype.trim |
splitWords(<String> str) |
String[] |
Trims and splits the string on whitespace and returns the array of parts. |
setOptions(<Object> obj, <Object> options) |
Object |
Merges the given properties to the options of the obj object, returning the resulting options. See Class options . Has an L.setOptions shortcut. |
getParamString(<Object> obj, <String> existingUrl?, <Boolean> uppercase?) |
String |
Converts an object into a parameter URL string, e.g. {a: "foo", b: "bar"}
translates to '?a=foo&b=bar' . If existingUrl is set, the parameters will
be appended at the end. If uppercase is true , the parameter names will
be uppercased (e.g. '?A=foo&B=bar' ) |
template(<String> str, <Object> data) |
String |
Simple templating facility, accepts a template string of the form 'Hello {a}, {b}'
and a data object like {a: 'foo', b: 'bar'} , returns evaluated string
('Hello foo, bar') . You can also specify functions instead of strings for
data values — they will be evaluated passing data as an argument. |
isArray(obj) |
Boolean |
Compatibility polyfill for Array.isArray |
indexOf(<Array> array, <Object> el) |
Number |
Compatibility polyfill for Array.prototype.indexOf |
requestAnimFrame(<Function> fn, <Object> context?, <Boolean> immediate?) |
Number |
Schedules fn to be executed when the browser repaints. fn is bound to
context if given. When immediate is set, fn is called immediately if
the browser doesn't have native support for
window.requestAnimationFrame ,
otherwise it's delayed. Returns a request ID that can be used to cancel the request. |
cancelAnimFrame(<Number> id) |
undefined |
Cancels a previous requestAnimFrame . See also window.cancelAnimationFrame. |