
The central class of the API — it is used to create a map on a page and manipulate it.

Usage example

// initialize the map on the "map" div with a given center and zoom
var map ='map', {
    center: [51.505, -0.09],
    zoom: 13


Factory Description<String> id, <Map options> options?) Instantiates a map object given the DOM ID of a <div> element and optionally an object literal with Map options.<HTMLElement> el, <Map options> options?) Instantiates a map object given an instance of a <div> HTML element and optionally an object literal with Map options.


Option Type Default Description
preferCanvas Boolean false Whether Paths should be rendered on a Canvas renderer. By default, all Paths are rendered in a SVG renderer.

Control options

Option Type Default Description
attributionControl Boolean true Whether a attribution control is added to the map by default.
zoomControl Boolean true Whether a zoom control is added to the map by default.

Interaction Options

Option Type Default Description
closePopupOnClick Boolean true Set it to false if you don't want popups to close when user clicks the map.
zoomSnap Number 1 Forces the map's zoom level to always be a multiple of this, particularly right after a fitBounds() or a pinch-zoom. By default, the zoom level snaps to the nearest integer; lower values (e.g. 0.5 or 0.1) allow for greater granularity. A value of 0 means the zoom level will not be snapped after fitBounds or a pinch-zoom.
zoomDelta Number 1 Controls how much the map's zoom level will change after a zoomIn(), zoomOut(), pressing + or - on the keyboard, or using the zoom controls. Values smaller than 1 (e.g. 0.5) allow for greater granularity.
trackResize Boolean true Whether the map automatically handles browser window resize to update itself.
boxZoom Boolean true Whether the map can be zoomed to a rectangular area specified by dragging the mouse while pressing the shift key.
doubleClickZoom Boolean|String true Whether the map can be zoomed in by double clicking on it and zoomed out by double clicking while holding shift. If passed 'center', double-click zoom will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the mouse was.
dragging Boolean true Whether the map is draggable with mouse/touch or not.

Map State Options

Option Type Default Description
crs CRS L.CRS.EPSG3857 The Coordinate Reference System to use. Don't change this if you're not sure what it means.
center LatLng undefined Initial geographic center of the map
zoom Number undefined Initial map zoom level
minZoom Number undefined Minimum zoom level of the map. Overrides any minZoom option set on map layers.
maxZoom Number undefined Maximum zoom level of the map. Overrides any maxZoom option set on map layers.
layers Layer[] [] Array of layers that will be added to the map initially
maxBounds LatLngBounds null When this option is set, the map restricts the view to the given geographical bounds, bouncing the user back when they try to pan outside the view. To set the restriction dynamically, use setMaxBounds method.
renderer Renderer * The default method for drawing vector layers on the map. L.SVG or L.Canvas by default depending on browser support.

Animation Options

Option Type Default Description
fadeAnimation Boolean true Whether the tile fade animation is enabled. By default it's enabled in all browsers that support CSS3 Transitions except Android.
markerZoomAnimation Boolean true Whether markers animate their zoom with the zoom animation, if disabled they will disappear for the length of the animation. By default it's enabled in all browsers that support CSS3 Transitions except Android.
transform3DLimit Number 2^23 Defines the maximum size of a CSS translation transform. The default value should not be changed unless a web browser positions layers in the wrong place after doing a large panBy.
zoomAnimation Boolean true Whether the map zoom animation is enabled. By default it's enabled in all browsers that support CSS3 Transitions except Android.
zoomAnimationThreshold Number 4 Won't animate zoom if the zoom difference exceeds this value.

Panning Inertia Options

Option Type Default Description
inertia Boolean * If enabled, panning of the map will have an inertia effect where the map builds momentum while dragging and continues moving in the same direction for some time. Feels especially nice on touch devices. Enabled by default unless running on old Android devices.
inertiaDeceleration Number 3000 The rate with which the inertial movement slows down, in pixels/second².
inertiaMaxSpeed Number Infinity Max speed of the inertial movement, in pixels/second.
easeLinearity Number 0.2
worldCopyJump Boolean false With this option enabled, the map tracks when you pan to another "copy" of the world and seamlessly jumps to the original one so that all overlays like markers and vector layers are still visible.
maxBoundsViscosity Number 0.0 If maxBounds is set, this option will control how solid the bounds are when dragging the map around. The default value of 0.0 allows the user to drag outside the bounds at normal speed, higher values will slow down map dragging outside bounds, and 1.0 makes the bounds fully solid, preventing the user from dragging outside the bounds.

Keyboard Navigation Options

Option Type Default Description
keyboard Boolean true Makes the map focusable and allows users to navigate the map with keyboard arrows and +/- keys.
keyboardPanDelta Number 80 Amount of pixels to pan when pressing an arrow key.

Mousewheel options

Option Type Default Description
scrollWheelZoom Boolean|String true Whether the map can be zoomed by using the mouse wheel. If passed 'center', it will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the mouse was.
wheelDebounceTime Number 40 Limits the rate at which a wheel can fire (in milliseconds). By default user can't zoom via wheel more often than once per 40 ms.
wheelPxPerZoomLevel Number 60 How many scroll pixels (as reported by L.DomEvent.getWheelDelta) mean a change of one full zoom level. Smaller values will make wheel-zooming faster (and vice versa).

Touch interaction options

Option Type Default Description
tap Boolean true Enables mobile hacks for supporting instant taps (fixing 200ms click delay on iOS/Android) and touch holds (fired as contextmenu events).
tapTolerance Number 15 The max number of pixels a user can shift their finger during touch for it to be considered a valid tap.
touchZoom Boolean|String * Whether the map can be zoomed by touch-dragging with two fingers. If passed 'center', it will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the touch events (fingers) were. Enabled for touch-capable web browsers except for old Androids.
bounceAtZoomLimits Boolean true Set it to false if you don't want the map to zoom beyond min/max zoom and then bounce back when pinch-zooming.


Layer events

Event Data Description
baselayerchange LayersControlEvent Fired when the base layer is changed through the layer control.
overlayadd LayersControlEvent Fired when an overlay is selected through the layer control.
overlayremove LayersControlEvent Fired when an overlay is deselected through the layer control.
layeradd LayerEvent Fired when a new layer is added to the map.
layerremove LayerEvent Fired when some layer is removed from the map

Map state change events

Event Data Description
zoomlevelschange Event Fired when the number of zoomlevels on the map is changed due to adding or removing a layer.
resize ResizeEvent Fired when the map is resized.
unload Event Fired when the map is destroyed with remove method.
viewreset Event Fired when the map needs to redraw its content (this usually happens on map zoom or load). Very useful for creating custom overlays.
load Event Fired when the map is initialized (when its center and zoom are set for the first time).
zoomstart Event Fired when the map zoom is about to change (e.g. before zoom animation).
movestart Event Fired when the view of the map starts changing (e.g. user starts dragging the map).
zoom Event Fired repeatedly during any change in zoom level, including zoom and fly animations.
move Event Fired repeatedly during any movement of the map, including pan and fly animations.
zoomend Event Fired when the map has changed, after any animations.
moveend Event Fired when the center of the map stops changing (e.g. user stopped dragging the map).

Popup events

Event Data Description
popupopen PopupEvent Fired when a popup is opened in the map
popupclose PopupEvent Fired when a popup in the map is closed
autopanstart Event Fired when the map starts autopanning when opening a popup.

Tooltip events

Event Data Description
tooltipopen TooltipEvent Fired when a tooltip is opened in the map.
tooltipclose TooltipEvent Fired when a tooltip in the map is closed.

Interaction events

Event Data Description
click MouseEvent Fired when the user clicks (or taps) the map.
dblclick MouseEvent Fired when the user double-clicks (or double-taps) the map.
mousedown MouseEvent Fired when the user pushes the mouse button on the map.
mouseup MouseEvent Fired when the user releases the mouse button on the map.
mouseover MouseEvent Fired when the mouse enters the map.
mouseout MouseEvent Fired when the mouse leaves the map.
mousemove MouseEvent Fired while the mouse moves over the map.
contextmenu MouseEvent Fired when the user pushes the right mouse button on the map, prevents default browser context menu from showing if there are listeners on this event. Also fired on mobile when the user holds a single touch for a second (also called long press).
keypress KeyboardEvent Fired when the user presses a key from the keyboard while the map is focused.
preclick MouseEvent Fired before mouse click on the map (sometimes useful when you want something to happen on click before any existing click handlers start running).

Animation Options

Event Data Description
zoomanim ZoomAnimEvent Fired on every frame of a zoom animation

Location events

Event Data Description
locationerror ErrorEvent Fired when geolocation (using the locate method) failed.
locationfound LocationEvent Fired when geolocation (using the locate method) went successfully.


Method Returns Description
getRenderer(<Path> layer) Renderer

Returns the instance of Renderer that should be used to render the given Path. It will ensure that the renderer options of the map and paths are respected, and that the renderers do exist on the map.

Methods for Layers and Controls

Method Returns Description
addControl(<Control> control) this

Adds the given control to the map

removeControl(<Control> control) this

Removes the given control from the map

addLayer(<Layer> layer) this

Adds the given layer to the map

removeLayer(<Layer> layer) this

Removes the given layer from the map.

hasLayer(<Layer> layer) Boolean

Returns true if the given layer is currently added to the map

eachLayer(<Function> fn, <Object> context?) this

Iterates over the layers of the map, optionally specifying context of the iterator function.

openPopup(<Popup> popup) this

Opens the specified popup while closing the previously opened (to make sure only one is opened at one time for usability).

openPopup(<String|HTMLElement> content, <LatLng> latlng, <Popup options> options?) this

Creates a popup with the specified content and options and opens it in the given point on a map.

closePopup(<Popup> popup?) this

Closes the popup previously opened with openPopup (or the given one).

openTooltip(<Tooltip> tooltip) this

Opens the specified tooltip.

openTooltip(<String|HTMLElement> content, <LatLng> latlng, <Tooltip options> options?) this

Creates a tooltip with the specified content and options and open it.

closeTooltip(<Tooltip> tooltip?) this

Closes the tooltip given as parameter.

Methods for modifying map state

Method Returns Description
setView(<LatLng> center, <Number> zoom, <Zoom/pan options> options?) this

Sets the view of the map (geographical center and zoom) with the given animation options.

setZoom(<Number> zoom, <Zoom/pan options> options) this

Sets the zoom of the map.

zoomIn(<Number> delta?, <Zoom options> options?) this

Increases the zoom of the map by delta (zoomDelta by default).

zoomOut(<Number> delta?, <Zoom options> options?) this

Decreases the zoom of the map by delta (zoomDelta by default).

setZoomAround(<LatLng> latlng, <Number> zoom, <Zoom options> options) this

Zooms the map while keeping a specified geographical point on the map stationary (e.g. used internally for scroll zoom and double-click zoom).

setZoomAround(<Point> offset, <Number> zoom, <Zoom options> options) this

Zooms the map while keeping a specified pixel on the map (relative to the top-left corner) stationary.

fitBounds(<LatLngBounds> bounds, <fitBounds options> options) this

Sets a map view that contains the given geographical bounds with the maximum zoom level possible.

fitWorld(<fitBounds options> options?) this

Sets a map view that mostly contains the whole world with the maximum zoom level possible.

panTo(<LatLng> latlng, <Pan options> options?) this

Pans the map to a given center.

panBy(<Point> offset) this

Pans the map by a given number of pixels (animated).

setMaxBounds(<Bounds> bounds) this

Restricts the map view to the given bounds (see the maxBounds option).

setMinZoom(<Number> zoom) this

Sets the lower limit for the available zoom levels (see the minZoom option).

setMaxZoom(<Number> zoom) this

Sets the upper limit for the available zoom levels (see the maxZoom option).

panInsideBounds(<LatLngBounds> bounds, <Pan options> options?) this

Pans the map to the closest view that would lie inside the given bounds (if it's not already), controlling the animation using the options specified, if any.

invalidateSize(<Zoom/Pan options> options) this

Checks if the map container size changed and updates the map if so — call it after you've changed the map size dynamically, also animating pan by default. If options.pan is false, panning will not occur. If options.debounceMoveend is true, it will delay moveend event so that it doesn't happen often even if the method is called many times in a row.

invalidateSize(<Boolean> animate) this

Checks if the map container size changed and updates the map if so — call it after you've changed the map size dynamically, also animating pan by default.

stop() this

Stops the currently running panTo or flyTo animation, if any.

flyTo(<LatLng> latlng, <Number> zoom?, <Zoom/pan options> options?) this

Sets the view of the map (geographical center and zoom) performing a smooth pan-zoom animation.

flyToBounds(<LatLngBounds> bounds, <fitBounds options> options?) this

Sets the view of the map with a smooth animation like flyTo, but takes a bounds parameter like fitBounds.

Other Methods

Method Returns Description
addHandler(<String> name, <Function> HandlerClass) this

Adds a new Handler to the map, given its name and constructor function.

remove() this

Destroys the map and clears all related event listeners.

createPane(<String> name, <HTMLElement> container?) HTMLElement

Creates a new map pane with the given name if it doesn't exist already, then returns it. The pane is created as a children of container, or as a children of the main map pane if not set.

getPane(<String|HTMLElement> pane) HTMLElement

Returns a map pane, given its name or its HTML element (its identity).

getPanes() Object

Returns a plain object containing the names of all panes as keys and the panes as values.

getContainer() HTMLElement

Returns the HTML element that contains the map.

whenReady(<Function> fn, <Object> context?) this

Runs the given function fn when the map gets initialized with a view (center and zoom) and at least one layer, or immediately if it's already initialized, optionally passing a function context.

Methods for Getting Map State

Method Returns Description
getCenter() LatLng

Returns the geographical center of the map view

getZoom() Number

Returns the current zoom level of the map view

getBounds() LatLngBounds

Returns the geographical bounds visible in the current map view

getMinZoom() Number

Returns the minimum zoom level of the map (if set in the minZoom option of the map or of any layers), or 0 by default.

getMaxZoom() Number

Returns the maximum zoom level of the map (if set in the maxZoom option of the map or of any layers).

getBoundsZoom(<LatLngBounds> bounds, <Boolean> inside?) Number

Returns the maximum zoom level on which the given bounds fit to the map view in its entirety. If inside (optional) is set to true, the method instead returns the minimum zoom level on which the map view fits into the given bounds in its entirety.

getSize() Point

Returns the current size of the map container (in pixels).

getPixelBounds() Bounds

Returns the bounds of the current map view in projected pixel coordinates (sometimes useful in layer and overlay implementations).

getPixelOrigin() Point

Returns the projected pixel coordinates of the top left point of the map layer (useful in custom layer and overlay implementations).

getPixelWorldBounds(<Number> zoom?) Bounds

Returns the world's bounds in pixel coordinates for zoom level zoom. If zoom is omitted, the map's current zoom level is used.

Conversion Methods

Method Returns Description
getZoomScale(<Number> toZoom, <Number> fromZoom) Number

Returns the scale factor to be applied to a map transition from zoom level fromZoom to toZoom. Used internally to help with zoom animations.

getScaleZoom(<Number> scale, <Number> fromZoom) Number

Returns the zoom level that the map would end up at, if it is at fromZoom level and everything is scaled by a factor of scale. Inverse of getZoomScale.

project(<LatLng> latlng, <Number> zoom) Point

Projects a geographical coordinate LatLng according to the projection of the map's CRS, then scales it according to zoom and the CRS's Transformation. The result is pixel coordinate relative to the CRS origin.

unproject(<Point> point, <Number> zoom) LatLng

Inverse of project.

layerPointToLatLng(<Point> point) LatLng

Given a pixel coordinate relative to the origin pixel, returns the corresponding geographical coordinate (for the current zoom level).

latLngToLayerPoint(<LatLng> latlng) Point

Given a geographical coordinate, returns the corresponding pixel coordinate relative to the origin pixel.

wrapLatLng(<LatLng> latlng) LatLng

Returns a LatLng where lat and lng has been wrapped according to the map's CRS's wrapLat and wrapLng properties, if they are outside the CRS's bounds. By default this means longitude is wrapped around the dateline so its value is between -180 and +180 degrees.

distance(<LatLng> latlng1, <LatLng> latlng2) Number

Returns the distance between two geographical coordinates according to the map's CRS. By default this measures distance in meters.

containerPointToLayerPoint(<Point> point) Point

Given a pixel coordinate relative to the map container, returns the corresponding pixel coordinate relative to the origin pixel.

layerPointToContainerPoint(<Point> point) Point

Given a pixel coordinate relative to the origin pixel, returns the corresponding pixel coordinate relative to the map container.

containerPointToLatLng(<Point> point) Point

Given a pixel coordinate relative to the map container, returns the corresponding geographical coordinate (for the current zoom level).

latLngToContainerPoint(<LatLng> latlng) Point

Given a geographical coordinate, returns the corresponding pixel coordinate relative to the map container.

mouseEventToContainerPoint(<MouseEvent> ev) Point

Given a MouseEvent object, returns the pixel coordinate relative to the map container where the event took place.

mouseEventToLayerPoint(<MouseEvent> ev) Point

Given a MouseEvent object, returns the pixel coordinate relative to the origin pixel where the event took place.

mouseEventToLatLng(<MouseEvent> ev) LatLng

Given a MouseEvent object, returns geographical coordinate where the event took place.

Geolocation methods

Method Returns Description
locate(<Locate options> options?) this

Tries to locate the user using the Geolocation API, firing a locationfound event with location data on success or a locationerror event on failure, and optionally sets the map view to the user's location with respect to detection accuracy (or to the world view if geolocation failed). Note that, if your page doesn't use HTTPS, this method will fail in modern browsers (Chrome 50 and newer) See Locate options for more details.

stopLocate() this

Stops watching location previously initiated by map.locate({watch: true}) and aborts resetting the map view if map.locate was called with {setView: true}.

Method Returns Description
on(<String> type, <Function> fn, <Object> context?) this

Adds a listener function (fn) to a particular event type of the object. You can optionally specify the context of the listener (object the this keyword will point to). You can also pass several space-separated types (e.g. 'click dblclick').

on(<Object> eventMap) this

Adds a set of type/listener pairs, e.g. {click: onClick, mousemove: onMouseMove}

off(<String> type, <Function> fn?, <Object> context?) this

Removes a previously added listener function. If no function is specified, it will remove all the listeners of that particular event from the object. Note that if you passed a custom context to on, you must pass the same context to off in order to remove the listener.

off(<Object> eventMap) this

Removes a set of type/listener pairs.

off() this

Removes all listeners to all events on the object.

fire(<String> type, <Object> data?, <Boolean> propagate?) this

Fires an event of the specified type. You can optionally provide an data object — the first argument of the listener function will contain its properties. The event might can optionally be propagated to event parents.

listens(<String> type) Boolean

Returns true if a particular event type has any listeners attached to it.

once() this

Behaves as on(…), except the listener will only get fired once and then removed.

addEventParent(<Evented> obj) this

Adds an event parent - an Evented that will receive propagated events

removeEventParent(<Evented> obj) this

Removes an event parent, so it will stop receiving propagated events

addEventListener() this

Alias to on(…)

removeEventListener() this

Alias to off(…)

clearAllEventListeners() this

Alias to off()

addOneTimeEventListener() this

Alias to once(…)

fireEvent() this

Alias to fire(…)

hasEventListeners() Boolean

Alias to listens(…)



Property Type Description
boxZoom Handler Box (shift-drag with mouse) zoom handler.
doubleClickZoom Handler Double click zoom handler.
dragging Handler Map dragging handler (by both mouse and touch).
keyboard Handler Keyboard navigation handler.
scrollWheelZoom Handler Scroll wheel zoom handler.
tap Handler Mobile touch hacks (quick tap and touch hold) handler.
touchZoom Handler Touch zoom handler.

Map panes

Panes are DOM elements used to control the ordering of layers on the map. You can access panes with map.getPane or map.getPanes methods. New panes can be created with the map.createPane method. Every map has the following default panes that differ only in zIndex.
Pane Type Z-index Description
mapPane HTMLElement 'auto' Pane that contains all other map panes
tilePane HTMLElement 200 Pane for GridLayers and TileLayers
overlayPane HTMLElement 400 Pane for vector overlays (Paths), like Polylines and Polygons
shadowPane HTMLElement 500 Pane for overlay shadows (e.g. Marker shadows)
markerPane HTMLElement 600 Pane for Icons of Markers
tooltipPane HTMLElement 650 Pane for tooltip.
popupPane HTMLElement 700 Pane for Popups.

Locate options

Some of the geolocation methods for Map take in an options parameter. This is a plain javascript object with the following optional components:
Option Type Default Description
watch Boolean false If true, starts continous watching of location changes (instead of detecting it once) using W3C watchPosition method. You can later stop watching using map.stopLocate() method.
setView Boolean false If true, automatically sets the map view to the user location with respect to detection accuracy, or to world view if geolocation failed.
maxZoom Number Infinity The maximum zoom for automatic view setting when using setView option.
timeout Number 10000 Number of milliseconds to wait for a response from geolocation before firing a locationerror event.
maximumAge Number 0 Maximum age of detected location. If less than this amount of milliseconds passed since last geolocation response, locate will return a cached location.
enableHighAccuracy Boolean false Enables high accuracy, see description in the W3C spec.

Zoom options

Some of the Map methods which modify the zoom level take in an options parameter. This is a plain javascript object with the following optional components:
Option Type Default Description
animate Boolean If not specified, zoom animation will happen if the zoom origin is inside the current view. If true, the map will attempt animating zoom disregarding where zoom origin is. Setting false will make it always reset the view completely without animation.

Pan options

Some of the Map methods which modify the center of the map take in an options parameter. This is a plain javascript object with the following optional components:
Option Type Default Description
animate Boolean If true, panning will always be animated if possible. If false, it will not animate panning, either resetting the map view if panning more than a screen away, or just setting a new offset for the map pane (except for panBy which always does the latter).
duration Number 0.25 Duration of animated panning, in seconds.
easeLinearity Number 0.25 The curvature factor of panning animation easing (third parameter of the Cubic Bezier curve). 1.0 means linear animation, the less the more bowed the curve.
noMoveStart Boolean false If true, panning won't fire movestart event on start (used internally for panning inertia).

Zoom/pan options

Option Type Default Description
animate Boolean If not specified, zoom animation will happen if the zoom origin is inside the current view. If true, the map will attempt animating zoom disregarding where zoom origin is. Setting false will make it always reset the view completely without animation.
Option Type Default Description
duration Number 0.25 Duration of animated panning, in seconds.
easeLinearity Number 0.25 The curvature factor of panning animation easing (third parameter of the Cubic Bezier curve). 1.0 means linear animation, the less the more bowed the curve.
noMoveStart Boolean false If true, panning won't fire movestart event on start (used internally for panning inertia).

FitBounds options

Option Type Default Description
paddingTopLeft Point [0, 0] Sets the amount of padding in the top left corner of a map container that shouldn't be accounted for when setting the view to fit bounds. Useful if you have some control overlays on the map like a sidebar and you don't want them to obscure objects you're zooming to.
paddingBottomRight Point [0, 0] The same for the bottom right corner of the map.
padding Point [0, 0] Equivalent of setting both top left and bottom right padding to the same value.
maxZoom Number null The maximum possible zoom to use.
Option Type Default Description
animate Boolean If not specified, zoom animation will happen if the zoom origin is inside the current view. If true, the map will attempt animating zoom disregarding where zoom origin is. Setting false will make it always reset the view completely without animation.
Option Type Default Description
duration Number 0.25 Duration of animated panning, in seconds.
easeLinearity Number 0.25 The curvature factor of panning animation easing (third parameter of the Cubic Bezier curve). 1.0 means linear animation, the less the more bowed the curve.
noMoveStart Boolean false If true, panning won't fire movestart event on start (used internally for panning inertia).
Props Wrld.Prop
Themes Wrld.themes
Heatmaps Wrld.Heatmap
Events Event objects
Services (Optional) WrldPoiApi