
Options used to construct a Wrld.buildings.BuildingHighlight object.


Factory Description
Wrld.buildings.buildingHighlightOptions() Instantiates and returns a BuildingHighlightOptions object.


Method Returns Description
highlightBuildingAtLocation(<Wrld.LatLng> latLng) this Sets options to attempt to highlight any building present at the given latLng location.
highlightBuildingAtScreenPoint(<Wrld.Point> screenPoint) this Sets options to attempt to highlight any building present at the given screen point for the current map view.
color(<number[]> color) this Sets the color of the highlight with the given array in [R,G,B,A] order, with values between 0 and 255.
informationOnly() this Sets options such that, if a BuildingHighlight object is created with these options and added to a map, it will not result in any visual highlight overlay being displayed. In this case, the BuildingHighlight object is used only for the purpose of retrieving BuildingInformation.
Props Wrld.Prop
Themes Wrld.themes
Heatmaps Wrld.Heatmap
Events Event objects
Services (Optional) WrldPoiApi