

Represents an affine transformation: a set of coefficients a, b, c, d for transforming a point of a form (x, y) into (a*x + b, c*y + d) and doing the reverse. Used by Leaflet in its projections code.

var transformation = new L.Transformation(2, 5, -1, 10),
	p = L.point(1, 2),
	p2 = transformation.transform(p), //  L.point(7, 8)
	p3 = transformation.untransform(p2); //  L.point(1, 2)


Creation Description
new L.Transformation( <Number> a, <Number> b, <Number> c, <Number> d ) Creates a transformation object with the given coefficients.


Method Returns Description
transform( <Point> point, <Number> scale? ) Point Returns a transformed point, optionally multiplied by the given scale. Only accepts real L.Point instances, not arrays.
untransform( <Point> point, <Number> scale? ) Point Returns the reverse transformation of the given point, optionally divided by the given scale. Only accepts real L.Point instances, not arrays.