

The WrldPoiApi is an optional service for querying POI sets created with the Places Designer. It provides a JavaScript interface to the POI API REST service. This provides similar functionality to the WrldSearchbar but without requiring an on-screen widget.


  • poi_api.js

For an example of how to use the WrldPoiApi see this example.


var poiApi = new WrldPoiApi("your_api_key_here");
poiApi.search("place", map.getCenter(), function(success, results) {
    if (success) { console.log(results); }
Argument Type Description
apiKey string A valid API key


The results returned from each of the following search methods are JSON objects of the form given here in the POI API documentation.

poiApi.search(searchTerm, latLng, callback, options)

Search POIs with a free-text search term.

Argument Type Description
searchTerm string A string to search with
latLng L.LatLng The central location around which to search
callback function The callback to call when the search completes. Takes a boolean success argument, and an array of JSON results
options object An object containing optional parameters, described below

These options correspond to those listed here for the free-text search REST API.

Options Type Default Description
radius number 1000.0 Radius of the search query in metres
number number 20 Maximum number of results to return
minimumScore number 0.0 Minimum ‘score’ to results. the higher the number the fewer results will be matched
indoorId string   ID of indoor map to filter results by
floor number 0 The floor number of the origin of the search, starting at 0 for the lowest floor
floorRange number 15 Number of floors to search above and below. Set 1 to search only the specified floor

poiApi.searchTags(tags, latLng, callback, options)

Search POIs by their tags.

Argument Type Description
tags [string] An array of tags, or a single tag, to search with. Supply an empty array to search all tags
latLng L.LatLng The central location around which to search
callback function The callback to call when the search completes. Takes a boolean success argument, and an array of JSON results
options object An object containing optional parameters, described below

These options correspond to those listed here for the tag search REST API.

Options Type Default Description
radius number 1000.0 Radius of the search query in metres
number number 20 Maximum number of results to return

poiApi.searchIndoors(indoorId, floor, callback, options)

Search POIs specifically within an indoor map.

Argument Type Description
indoorId string ID of indoor map to filter results by
floor number The floor number of the origin of the search, starting at 0 for the lowest floor
callback function The callback to call when the search completes. Takes a boolean success argument, and an array of JSON results
options object An object containing optional parameters, described below

These options correspond to those listed here for the indoor map constrained search REST API.

Options Type Default Description
tags [string] [] An array of tags, or a single tag, to search with. Supply an empty array to search all tags
number number 20 Maximum number of results to return
floorRange number 15 Number of floors to search above and below. Set 1 to search only the specified floor
latLng L.LatLng   The central location around which to search, used to sort results by distance