

function onEnter(event) {
    console.log("Entered indoor map: " + event.indoorMap.getIndoorMapName());

function onExit(event) {
    console.log("Exited indoor map");
map.indoors.on("indoormapenter", onEnter);
map.indoors.on("indoormapexit", onExit)



Returns a boolean indicating whether an indoor map is currently being viewed.


Move the camera into an indoor map.

Argument Type Description
indoorMap IndoorMapEntrance | IndoorMap | string The entrance to an indoor map to enter, or the indoor map itself, or the ID of the map as a string


When viewing an indoor map, exits back to the exterior view.


Returns the IndoorMap currently being viewed, or null if not viewing an indoor map at all.


Returns an IndoorMapFloor representing the current floor of the active indoor map, or null if not viewing an indoor map.


Sets the current floor to display within the active indoor map. Returns a boolean indicating whether the floor was successfully set.

Argument Type Description
floor IndoorMapFloor | string | number The floor to view, or the ID of that floor, or the index of that floor


View a floor some number of floors above than the current floor.

Argument Type Description
numberOfFloors number How many floors to move up. Defaults to 1


View a floor some number of floors below than the current floor.

Argument Type Description
numberOfFloors number How many floors to move down. Defaults to 1


Transition to an expanded view of the indoor map, showing all floors.


When expanded, transition back to the normal, collapsed view of an indoor map.


When expanded, can be used to smoothly interpolate between the floors in view. A value of 0 will put the bottom floor in focus, while a value of 1 will put the top floor in focus.

Argument Type Description
value number An interpolation value between the bottom and top floors in the range 0..1


Returns the current floor interpolation value.


Sets the current floor based on some interpolation value by rounding to the nearest floor. Returns a boolean indicating success, as in setFloor().

Argument Type Description
interpolationValue number An interpolation value between the bottom and top floors in the range 0 to 1. Defaults to the current value of getFloorInterpolation()

map.indoors.setEntityHighlights(ids, color)

Highlights one or more indoor entities.

Argument Type Description
ids string | string[] The id(s) of the entities
color number[] The RGBA value of the highlight, stored in an array of numbers ranging from 0 to 255


Clears the highlights from one or more indoor entities. If no ids are specified then all highlighted entities will be cleared.

Argument Type Description
ids string | string[] The id(s) of the entities. (Optional)


You can subscribe to events relating to indoor maps by using [events methods] on this object.

For example:

map.indoors.on("indoormapenter", function(e) {
    console.log("Entered an indoor map");

The following events are supported.

Event Data Description
indoormapenter IndoorMapEvent Fired when an IndoorMap is entered.
indoormapexit IndoorMapEvent Fired when an IndoorMap is exited.
indoormapfloorchange IndoorFloorEvent Fired when the IndoorMapFloor is set.
indoorentranceadd IndoorEntranceEvent Fired when an IndoorMapEntrance becomes available.
indoorentranceremove IndoorEntranceEvent Fired when an IndoorMapEntrance becomes unavailable.
expandstart Event Fires when an indoor map starts expanding. See map.indoors.expand().
expand Event Fired repeatedly while an indoor map is expanding.
expandend Event Fires when an indoor map stops expanding.
collapsestart Event Fires when an indoor map starts collapsing. See map.indoors.collapse().
collapse Event Fired repeatedly while an indoor map is collapsing.
collapseend Event Fires when an indoor map stops collapsing.
indoorentityclick Event Fires when an indoor entity was clicked.