
Event objects

Event object is an object that you receive as an argument in a listener function when some event is fired, containing useful information about that event. For example:

map.on('click', function(e) {
	alert(e.latlng); // e is an event object (MouseEvent in this case)


The base event object. All other event objects contain these properties too.

property type description
type String The event type (e.g. 'click').
target Object The object that fired the event.


property type description
latlng LatLng The geographical point where the mouse event occurred.
layerPoint Point Pixel coordinates of the point where the mouse event occurred relative to the map layer.
containerPoint Point Pixel coordinates of the point where the mouse event occurred relative to the map сontainer.
originalEvent DOMMouseEvent The original DOM mouse event fired by the browser.


property type description
latlng LatLng Detected geographical location of the user.
bounds LatLngBounds Geographical bounds of the area user is located in (with respect to the accuracy of location).
accuracy Number Accuracy of location in meters.
altitude Number Height of the position above the WGS84 ellipsoid in meters.
altitudeAccuracy Number Accuracy of altitude in meters.
heading Number The direction of travel in degrees counting clockwise from true North.
speed Number Current velocity in meters per second.
timestamp Number The time when the position was acquired.


property type description
message String Error message.
code Number Error code (if applicable).


property type description
layer ILayer The layer that was added or removed.


property type description
layer ILayer The layer that was added or removed.
name String The name of the layer that was added or removed.


property type description
tile HTMLElement The tile element (image).
url String The source URL of the tile.


property type description
tile HTMLElement The tile element (image).
url String The src attribute of the tile element.


property type description
oldSize Point The old size before resize event.
newSize Point The new size after the resize event.

GeoJSON event

property type description
layer ILayer The layer for the GeoJSON feature that is being added to the map.
properties Object GeoJSON properties of the feature.
geometryType String GeoJSON geometry type of the feature.
id String GeoJSON ID of the feature (if present).
property type description
popup Popup The popup that was opened or closed.


property type description
distance Number The distance in pixels the draggable element was moved by.