Position Object on the Map with a Positioner

Place a GameObject on the Map at a specific Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation, using a Positioner. This works in both Unity and ECEF coordinate systems. Note: it is recommended to use the GeographicTransform for positioning Unity GameObjects.

To run this example, open the Wrld/Demo/Examples.unity scene, click the Play button, and select Position Object on the Map with a Positioner from the dropdown.

Place a GameObject on the Map at a specific Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation, using a Positioner. This works in both Unity and ECEF coordinate systems. Note: it is recommended to use the GeographicTransform for positioning Unity GameObjects.
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using Wrld;
using Wrld.Space;
using Wrld.Space.Positioners;

public class PositionObjectWithPositioner: MonoBehaviour
    static LatLong targetPosition = LatLong.FromDegrees(37.783372, -122.400834);
    public Transform box;
    Positioner boxPositioner;

    private void OnEnable()
        var positionerOptions = new PositionerOptions()

        boxPositioner = Api.Instance.PositionerApi.CreatePositioner(positionerOptions);
        boxPositioner.OnTransformedPointChanged += OnPositionerPositionUpdated;

    private void OnPositionerPositionUpdated()
        var boxLocation = new LatLongAltitude();
        if (boxPositioner.TryGetLatLongAltitude(out boxLocation))
            box.position = Api.Instance.SpacesApi.GeographicToWorldPoint(boxLocation);

    private void OnDisable()
        boxPositioner.OnTransformedPointChanged -= OnPositionerPositionUpdated;