Moving the Camera

Move the camera from its starting location to another location.

To run this example, open the Wrld/Demo/Examples.unity scene, click the Play button, and select Moving the Camera from the dropdown.

Move the camera from its starting location to another location.
using System.Collections;
using Wrld;
using Wrld.Space;
using UnityEngine;

public class CameraTransitionMovingCamera : MonoBehaviour
    private void OnEnable()

    IEnumerator Example()
        var startLocation = LatLong.FromDegrees(37.7858, -122.401);
        Api.Instance.CameraApi.MoveTo(startLocation, distanceFromInterest: 800, headingDegrees: 0, tiltDegrees: 50);

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(4.0f);

        var destLocation = LatLong.FromDegrees(37.7952, -122.4028);
        Api.Instance.CameraApi.MoveTo(destLocation, distanceFromInterest: 500);

    private void OnDisable()