Place a 2D View on an Indoor Map

Place a 2D View on the screen, using the projected position of a Positioner placed on an Indoor Map. This works in both Unity and ECEF coordinate systems.

To run this example, open the Wrld/Demo/Examples.unity scene, click the Play button, and select Place a 2D View on an Indoor Map from the dropdown.

Place a 2D View on the screen, using the projected position of a Positioner placed on an Indoor Map. This works in both Unity and ECEF coordinate systems.
using Wrld;
using Wrld.Space;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Wrld.Space.Positioners;

public class Position2DViewIndoors : MonoBehaviour
    private LatLong m_indoorMapLocation = LatLong.FromDegrees(56.459984, -2.978238);
    private string m_indoorMapId = "westport_house";
    private int m_indoorMapFloorId = 2;

    Positioner viewPositioner;
    public UnityEngine.RectTransform target2DView;

    private void OnEnable()
        Api.Instance.IndoorMapsApi.OnIndoorMapEntered += IndoorMapsApi_OnIndoorMapEntered;
        Api.Instance.CameraApi.MoveTo(m_indoorMapLocation, distanceFromInterest: 30, headingDegrees: 0, tiltDegrees: 45);

        var positionerOptions = new PositionerOptions()
                                        .IndoorMapWithFloorId(m_indoorMapId, m_indoorMapFloorId);

        viewPositioner = Api.Instance.PositionerApi.CreatePositioner(positionerOptions);
        viewPositioner.OnScreenPointChanged += OnPositionerPositionUpdated;


    private void OnPositionerPositionUpdated()
        var screenPoint =;
        if (viewPositioner.TryGetScreenPoint(out screenPoint))
            target2DView.position = new Vector3(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y);

    IEnumerator EnterMap()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(5.0f);

        Api.Instance.CameraApi.MoveTo(m_indoorMapLocation, distanceFromInterest: 30);
    private void OnDisable()
        viewPositioner.OnScreenPointChanged -= OnPositionerPositionUpdated;

        Api.Instance.IndoorMapsApi.OnIndoorMapEntered -= IndoorMapsApi_OnIndoorMapEntered;

    private void IndoorMapsApi_OnIndoorMapEntered()