Display the Name of an Indoor Map

Print the name of an Indoor Map to the Unity Debugger Log.

To run this example, open the Wrld/Demo/Examples.unity scene, click the Play button, and select Display the Name of an Indoor Map from the dropdown.

Print the name of an Indoor Map to the Unity Debugger Log.
using System.Collections;
using Wrld;
using Wrld.Space;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class DisplayIndoorMapName : MonoBehaviour
    private LatLong m_indoorMapLocation = LatLong.FromDegrees(37.781871, -122.404812);

    private void OnEnable()
        Api.Instance.IndoorMapsApi.OnIndoorMapEntered += IndoorMapsApi_OnIndoorMapEntered;

        Api.Instance.CameraApi.MoveTo(m_indoorMapLocation, distanceFromInterest: 500, headingDegrees: 0, tiltDegrees: 45);

    public void EnterMap()
        if (Api.Instance.IndoorMapsApi.GetActiveIndoorMap() == null)
            Api.Instance.CameraApi.MoveTo(m_indoorMapLocation, distanceFromInterest: 500);
	public void ExitMap() 

    private void OnDisable()
        Api.Instance.IndoorMapsApi.OnIndoorMapEntered -= IndoorMapsApi_OnIndoorMapEntered;

    private void IndoorMapsApi_OnIndoorMapEntered()
        Debug.LogFormat("Indoor Map Name: {0}", Api.Instance.IndoorMapsApi.GetActiveIndoorMap().Name);

