PropOptions (Class)

Namespace: Wrld.Resources.Props


PropOptions LatitudeDegrees (double latitudeDegrees)

Sets the latitude for the Prop.

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the new latitude set.

Argument Type Description
latitudeDegrees double The latitude, in degrees.

PropOptions LongitudeDegrees (double longitudeDegrees)

Sets the longitude for the Prop.

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the new longitude set.

Argument Type Description
longitudeDegrees double The longitude, in degrees.

PropOptions ElevationAboveGround (double elevation)

Sets the elevation for the Prop, relative to the altitude of the terrain at the Prop’s LatLong coordinate.

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the elevation set.

Argument Type Description
elevation double The elevation, in meters.

PropOptions ElevationAboveSeaLevel (double elevation)

Sets the elevation for the Prop, relative to sea-level.

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the elevation set.

Argument Type Description
elevation double The elevation, in meters.

PropOptions IndoorMapWithFloorId (String indoorMapId, int indoorMapFloorId)

Sets the indoor map properties for the prop. If this method is not called, or if indoorMapId is an empty string, PropOptions is initialized to create a prop for display on an outdoor map.

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the new indoor map properties set.

Argument Type Description
indoorMapId String The identifier of the indoor map on which the Prop should be displayed.
indoorMapFloorId int The identifier of the indoor map floor on which the Prop should be displayed. In the WRLD Indoor Map Format, this corresponds to the ‘z_order’ field of the Level object.

PropOptions Name (String _name)

Sets the name for this prop - this should be a unique string id.

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the new prop name set.

Argument Type Description
_name String The new prop name

PropOptions GeometryId (String _geometryId)

Set the geometry Id for this prop - this string specifies which 3d model should be rendered in place of this prop. The available models are currently curates by WRLD, please contact if you have any queries about extending the range of available props.

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the new geometry Id set.

Argument Type Description
_geometryId String the new geometry Id

PropOptions HeadingDegrees (double _headingDegrees)

Sets the heading of the prop, in degrees, clockwise from North (0 degrees).

Returns: This PropOptions instance, with the new heading set.

Argument Type Description
_headingDegrees double The heading of this prop in degrees.

ElevationMode GetElevationMode ()

Returns the mode specifying how the Elevation property is interpreted.

Returns: An enumerated value indicating whether Elevation is specified as a height above terrain, or an absolute altitude above sea level.

double GetLatitudeDegrees ()

Gets the latitude at which a prop created with these options would appear.

Returns: The latitude of the prop, in degrees

double GetLongitudeDegrees ()

Gets the longitude at which a prop created with these options would appear.

Returns: The longitude of the prop, in degrees

double GetElevation ()

Returns the current elevation of the prop to be created. The property is interpreted differently, depending on the ElevationMode property.

Returns: A height, in meters

String GetIndoorMapId ()

Gets the identifier of an indoor map on which this prop should be displayed, if any.

Returns: For a prop on an indoor map, the string identifier of the indoor map; otherwise an empty string.

int GetIndoorMapFloorId ()

Gets the identifier of an indoor map floor on which this prop should be displayed, if any.

Returns: The indoor map floor id.

String GetName ()

Gets the name to be assigned to the prop created with these parameters, this should be unique.

Returns: The name to be assigned to the prop.

String GetGeometryId ()

Returns the geometry identifier for this PropOptions object.

Returns: A string containing id of the geometry that will be displayed for this prop.

double GetHeadingDegrees ()

Returns The heading indicating the direction in which the prop will face, in degrees, clockwise from North (0 degrees).

Returns: The heading in degrees.
