PointOnPath (Class)

Namespace: Wrld.Paths

Result structure for PathApi.GetPointOnPath. It provides information about a point on a polyline path that is closest to a given query point.


Name Type Description
ResultPoint LatLong The point on the polyline path that is closest to InputPoint.
InputPoint LatLong The input query point, passed as parameter inputPoint to PathApi.GetPointOnPath.
DistanceFromInputPoint double The distance between InputPoint and ResultPoint, in meters.
FractionAlongPath double The parameteric distance of ResultPoint along the path polyline, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
IndexOfPathSegmentStartVertex int The index of the polyline vertex that is immediately before or at ResultPoint. If the polyline path is empty, returns -1.
IndexOfPathSegmentEndVertex int The index of the polyline vertex that is immediately after or at ResultPoint. If the polyline path is empty, returns -1.