BuildingHighlight (Class)

Namespace: Wrld.Resources.Buildings

Represents a single selected building on the map, for displaying a graphical overlay to highlight the building, or for obtaining information about the building.


BuildingHighlight Create (BuildingHighlightOptions buildingHighlightOptions)

Creates a building highlight and adds it to the WrldMap.

Returns: The new BuildingHighlight object

Argument Type Description
buildingHighlightOptions BuildingHighlightOptions The BuildingHighlightOptions object specifying how to create the BuildingHighlight object.

void Discard ()

Removes a building highlight from the WrldMap and marks it as no longer in use (IsDiscarded() will return true).

bool IsDiscarded ()

If true, this BuildingHighlight is no longer in use, and no graphical highlight will be displayed for its associated building. If no BuildingInformation is found for the requested point, the Api marks this object as discarded.

bool HasPopulatedBuildingInformation ()

True if valid BuildingInformation has been received. False if the Api is pending requested BuildingInformation, or if no BuildingInformation was received.

BuildingInformation GetBuildingInformation ()

Access BuildingInformation obtained for this BuildingHighlight.

Color GetColor ()

Access the current color of the graphical overlay for this BuildingHighlight.

void SetColor (Color color)

Sets the display color of this building highlight.

Argument Type Description
color Color The color to set.


int Id

Uniquely identifies this object instance.

int Id { get; private set; } 

bool IsInformationalOnly

If true, a graphical overlay will not be displayed for the selected building - this BuildingHighlight is for obtaining BuildingInformation only.

bool IsInformationalOnly { get; private set; } 

BuildingInformationReceivedDelegate BuildingInformationReceivedDelegate

BuildingInformationReceivedDelegate BuildingInformationReceivedDelegate { get; private set; } 