
Package: com.eegeo.mapapi

View which displays a 3D map.


MapView(Context context)

Constructor for a MapView object.

Type argument Description
Context context The Android context for the view.

MapView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet)

Constructor for a MapView object.

Type argument Description
Context context The Android context for the view.
AttributeSet attributeSet Attributes which may be used to initialize the view. Attributes may be defined in the view’s layout xml by setting eegeo_MapView styleable resources.

MapView(Context context, EegeoMapOptions eegeoMapOptions)

Constructor for a MapView object.

Type argument Description
Context context The Android context for the view.
EegeoMapOptions eegeoMapOptions An EegeoMapOptions object specifying initial conditions for the object.


void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Call this method from the parent Activity’s onCreate method.

Type argument Description
Bundle savedInstanceState The savedInstanceState from the parent.

void getMapAsync(OnMapReadyCallback callback)

Sets an object which will be notified when the EegeoMap is available and ready to be used. This is the expected means to obtain an EegeoMap object.

Type argument Description
OnMapReadyCallback callback The object to be notified.

void onResume()

Call this method from the parent Activity’s onResume method.

void onPause()

Call this method from the parent Activity’s onPause method.

void onDestroy()

Call this method from the parent Activity’s onDestroy method.

void onDraw(Canvas canvas)

Delegates to the native code to draw the view.

Type argument Description
Canvas canvas Android canvas on which the view is drawn.

boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)

Called when the user touches the screen.

Returns: True if the event was handled, false otherwise.

Type argument Description
MotionEvent e The motion event.
Overview Introduction
Picking PickResult
Widgets (Optional) BlueSphere
Tag Service (Optional) TagService OnTagsLoadCompletedListener
RouteView Widget (Optional) RouteView RouteViewOptions