Package: com.eegeo.mapapi.buildings
Options used to construct a BuildingHighlight object.
Default constructor for building highlight creation parameters.
BuildingHighlightOptions highlightBuildingAtLocation(LatLng location)
Sets options to attempt to highlight any building present at the given latLng location.
Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called
Type | argument | Description |
LatLng | location | The location |
BuildingHighlightOptions highlightBuildingAtScreenPoint(Point screenPoint)
Sets options to attempt to highlight any building present at the given screen point for the current map view.
Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called
Type | argument | Description |
Point | screenPoint | The screen-space point |
BuildingHighlightOptions color(int color)
Sets the color of the building highlight as a 32-bit ARGB color. The default value is opaque black (0xff000000).
Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called, with the new color set.
Type | argument | Description |
int | color | The color to use. |
BuildingHighlightOptions informationOnly()
Sets options such that, if a BuildingHighlight object is created with these options and added to a map, it will not result in any visual highlight overlay being displayed. In this case, the BuildingHighlight object is used only for the purpose of retrieving BuildingInformation.
Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called, with the option set.
BuildingHighlightOptions buildingInformationReceivedListener(OnBuildingInformationReceivedListener listener)
BuildingInformation for a BuildingHighlight that is created and added to the map is fetched asynchronously. This method sets a listener object to obtain notification when BuildingInformation for a BuildingHighlight created with these options is received.
Returns: The BuildingHighlightOptions object on which the method was called, with the option set.
- Introduction
- EegeoMapOptions
- OnInitialStreamingCompleteListener
- OnMapReadyCallback
- MapFeatureType
- Promise
- Ready
- Polygon
- PolygonOptions
- Polyline
- PolylineOptions
- IndoorMap
- OnIndoorEnteredListener
- OnIndoorExitedListener
- OnIndoorEnterFailedListener
- OnFloorChangedListener
- OnIndoorMapLoadedListener
- OnIndoorMapUnloadedListener
- IndoorMapEntity
- IndoorMapEntityInformation
- IndoorMapEntityLoadState
- OnIndoorMapEntityInformationChangedListener
- IndoorMapFloorOutlineInformation
- IndoorMapFloorOutlinePolygon
- IndoorMapFloorOutlinePolygonRing
- OnIndoorMapFloorOutlineInformationLoadedListener
- BuildingHighlight
- BuildingHighlightOptions
- BuildingInformation
- BuildingDimensions
- BuildingContour
- OnBuildingInformationReceivedListener
- Prop
- PropOptions
- PickResult
- BlueSphere
- PoiService
- PoiSearch
- TextSearchOptions
- TagSearchOptions
- AutocompleteOptions
- PoiSearchResponse
- PoiSearchResult
- OnPoiSearchCompletedListener
- TagService
- OnTagsLoadCompletedListener
- MapsceneService
- MapsceneRequest
- MapsceneRequestOptions
- MapsceneRequestResponse
- Mapscene
- OnMapsceneRequestCompletedListener
- MapsceneSearchConfig
- MapsceneStartLocation
- MapsceneDataSources
- RoutingService
- RoutingQuery
- RoutingQueryOptions
- RoutingQueryResponse
- Route
- RouteSection
- RouteStep
- RouteDirections
- TransportationMode
- OnRoutingQueryCompletedListener
- RouteView
- RouteViewOptions