TransportPositionerOptionsBuilder (Class)

Namespace: Wrld.Transport

A convenience builder to construct instances of Wrld.Transport.TransportPositionerOptions.


TransportPositionerOptionsBuilder SetInputCoordinates (double latitudeDegrees, double longitudeDegrees)

Set input coordinates (required).

Returns: This object, with the input coordinates set.

Argument Type Description
latitudeDegrees double Input latitude coordinate in degrees.
longitudeDegrees double Input longitude coordinate in degrees.

TransportPositionerOptionsBuilder SetInputHeading (double headingDegrees)

Set an optional input heading.

Returns: This object, with the input heading set.

Argument Type Description
headingDegrees double Input heading angle in degrees clockwise from North.

TransportPositionerOptionsBuilder SetMaxDistanceToMatchedPoint (double maxDistanceToMatchedPointMeters)

Set a constraint threshold for the maximum allowed difference between InputHeadingDegrees and the tangential direction of a candidate on a TransportDirectedEdge, in degrees.

Returns: This object, with the distance constraint set.

Argument Type Description
maxDistanceToMatchedPointMeters double The constraint distance, in meters.

TransportPositionerOptionsBuilder SetMaxHeadingDeviationToMatchedPoint (double maxHeadingDeviationToMatchedPointDegrees)

Set a constraint threshold for the maximum allowed distance between the input coordinates and a candidate point on a TransportDirectedEdge, in meters.

Returns: This object, with the heading angle constraint set.

Argument Type Description
maxHeadingDeviationToMatchedPointDegrees double The constraint angle, in degrees.

TransportPositionerOptionsBuilder SetTransportNetworkType (TransportNetworkType transportNetworkType)

Set the transport network on which to attempt to find a matching point.

Returns: This object, with the transport network set.

Argument Type Description
transportNetworkType TransportNetworkType The transport network on which the resultant TransportPositioner will operate.

TransportPositionerOptions Build ()

Creates the options.

Returns: The options object.
