GeographicTransform Information

This document will help you understand GeographicTransforms.

GeographicTransform Overview

Following the introduction of the Positioner in v0.6, we have taken steps to clarify the roles of the Positioner and the GeographicTransform, expanding their capabilities and simplifying the way in which they are used in a project.

The GeographicTransform has been streamlined; it can be placed and serialized in a Unity scene and exposes its properties through the Unity Inspector. It automatically instantiates its own Positioner internally, and subscribes to positioning updates from it. The GeographicTransform does not require additional code in the scene to place an object on the map, but can still be interacted with through other scripts to re-position it at any time.

The Positioner class, on the other hand, can be used as a lightweight way to get simple positioning information from a point on the map. This is useful if you do not want to instantiate a whole Unity GameObject, and only require basic positioning information. The Positioner can also provide screen-space positions, which can be used to place 2D UI at map positions. Note that while a Positioner can be used to retrieve world-space positions, it does not provide rotation or orientation information.

The GeographicTransform is the recommended way to position a Unity GameObject on the map.

Updated examples can be found at under the “Positioning” section.
