TransportWay (Class)

Namespace: Wrld.Transport

Represents center-line geometry, width and other attributes of an edge on a transport network directed graph.
It forms the section of road (or track on Rail and Tram networks) between two nodes on a graph.
A TransportDirectedEdge object references a TransportWay, representing a traversal of the TransportWay in a particular direction.
For bi-directional ways, two TransportDirectedEdge objects may reference the same TransportWay, representing traversals in the forward and reversed directions.
For uni-directional ways, a single TransportDirectedEdge object references a TransportWay.


TransportWay MakeEmpty ()

Static factory method to create an empty-value TransportWay instance.

Returns: The new empty-value object.


TransportWayId Id

A unique identifier for the TransportWay.

TransportWayId Id { get; private set; } 

IList<​DoubleVector3​> CenterLinePoints

A list of points in ECEF coordinates representing the vertices of a polyline running through the center of the road or track visual geometry.

IList<DoubleVector3> CenterLinePoints { get; private set; } 

IList<​double​> CenterLineSplineParams

A list containing the same number of elements as CenterLinePoints.
Each element represents the distance along the center polyline of the CenterLinePoints element at the same index. Elements have values normalised in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

IList<double> CenterLineSplineParams { get; private set; } 

double LengthMeters

The geometric length, in meters, of the polyline represented by CenterLinePoints.

double LengthMeters { get; private set; } 

double HalfWidthMeters

The nominal half-width (0.5 * width), in meters, of this road or track section.
Visual geometry may not match this value exactly along the entire length of the road or track section - for example, where tapering between connected sections of differing width.

double HalfWidthMeters { get; private set; } 

TransportWayDirection WayDirection

The permitted direction or directions of travel along this TransportWay.

TransportWayDirection WayDirection { get; private set; } 

String Classification

A string description of the functional classification of this road or track section, for example “local_road” or “secondary_road”.

String Classification { get; private set; } 

double AverageSpeedKph

An average speed, in kilometers per hour, of traffic on this road or track section.
This is intended for possible visualization uses; for example, if displaying simulated traffic moving along the TransportWay this could be used to provide an appropriate speed. It does not necessarily reflect real-world average speed. In some cases, the value has been inferred from functional classification.

double AverageSpeedKph { get; private set; } 

double ApproximateSpeedLimitKph

The approximate regulatory speed limit, in kilometers per hour, of traffic on this road or track section.
This is intended for possible visualization uses only, and may not necessarily accurately reflect real-world speed limits for all classifications of vehicle. In some cases, the value has been inferred from functional classification.

double ApproximateSpeedLimitKph { get; private set; } 