IndoorMap (Class)

Namespace: Wrld.Resources.IndoorMaps

Encapsulates a set of immutable properties pertaining to an indoor map. These properties are set through the WRLD indoor map service, and cannot be changed through the Unity SDK. An IndoorMap object can be obtained via the Api.Instance.IndoorMapsApi.GetActiveIndoorMap() method.


String Id

Gets the unique identifier for the indoor map.

String Id { get; private set; } 

String Name

Gets a readable name for the indoor map, usually the building name.

String Name { get; private set; } 

int FloorCount

Gets the number of floors in the indoor map.

int FloorCount { get; private set; } 

String[] ShortFloorNames

Gets an array of short floor names, suitable for display. These are generally string versions of floor numbers or other short identifiers such as “G” or “LG”.

String[] ShortFloorNames { get; private set; } 

String[] FloorNames

Gets an array of floor names. Floor names may be longer than floor ids.

String[] FloorNames { get; private set; } 

Int32[] FloorIds

Gets an array of floor ids.

Int32[] FloorIds { get; private set; } 

String UserData

Gets user data which has been associated with the map through the indoor map service. The user data is a string in JSON format.

String UserData { get; private set; } 