Placing Objects on Buildings

Querying the altitude of a building and placing an object on top of it.

To run this example, open the Wrld/Demo/Examples.unity scene, click the Play button, and select Placing Objects on Buildings from the dropdown.

Querying the altitude of a building and placing an object on top of it.
using System.Collections;
using Wrld;
using Wrld.Space;
using UnityEngine;

public class BuildingAltitudePicking : MonoBehaviour
    private GameObject boxPrefab = null;

    private LatLong cameraLocation = LatLong.FromDegrees(37.795641, -122.404173);
    private LatLong boxLocation1 = LatLong.FromDegrees(37.795159, -122.404336);
    private LatLong boxLocation2 = LatLong.FromDegrees(37.795173, -122.404229);

    private void OnEnable()

    IEnumerator Example()
        Api.Instance.CameraApi.MoveTo(cameraLocation, distanceFromInterest: 400, headingDegrees: 0, tiltDegrees: 45);

        while (true)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(4.0f);


    void MakeBox(LatLong latLong)
        var ray = Api.Instance.SpacesApi.LatLongToVerticallyDownRay(latLong);
        LatLongAltitude buildingIntersectionPoint;
        var didIntersectBuilding = Api.Instance.BuildingsApi.TryFindIntersectionWithBuilding(ray, out buildingIntersectionPoint);
        if (didIntersectBuilding)
            var boxAnchor = Instantiate(boxPrefab) as GameObject;

            var box = boxAnchor.transform.GetChild(0);
            box.localPosition = Vector3.up * (float)buildingIntersectionPoint.GetAltitude();
            Destroy(boxAnchor, 2.0f);

    private void OnDisable()