Add a polygon to an indoor map
Display a polygon inside an indoor map.
- Move the camera
- Animate the camera
- Move the camera to an indoor map
- Animate the camera to an indoor map
- Framing an area
- Querying camera location and zoom
- Picking points on the map
- Entering and Exiting an indoor map
- Displaying the name of an indoor map
- Moving between indoor map floors
- Animating indoor maps with a slider
- Highlighting indoor map entities
- Picking indoor map entities
- Query indoor map entity information
- Query indoor map floor outline information
- Enable and disable labels
- Create a marker
- Create an indoor marker
- Create a marker with a different icon
- Change text of a marker
- Create a marker at altitude
- Create a marker at a height above terrain
- Set relative priorities for markers
- Change location of a marker
- Interact with markers
- Add a polygon
- Add a polygon to an indoor map
- Add a polygon with holes
- Add a polygon with elevation
- Add a building highlight
- Remove a building highlight
- Place objects on buildings
- Picking buildings
- Query building information
- Precaching map data
- Cancel precaching map data
- Change the theme manifest
- Change the location of the blue sphere
- Change the bearing of the blue sphere
- Change the elevation of the blue sphere
- Move the blue sphere indoors
- Show an accuracy ring around the blue sphere
- Search for POIs
- Cancel a POI Search
- Load a Mapscene
- Find an outdoor route
- Find an indoor route
- Find a multipart route
- Cancel a routing query
Indoor maps
Widgets - Bluesphere
Services - POI Service
Services - Mapscene Service
Services - Routing Service