
Package: com.eegeo.mapapi.geometry

A wrapper class to associate a scale value with a LatLngAlt.


public static final double DEFAULT_INTENSITY

Default value of intensity field.

public final LatLngAlt point

The point coordinate.

public final double intensity

The scalar weight value.


WeightedLatLngAlt(double latitude, double longitude)

Create from coordinates with default altitude and intensity.

Type argument Description
double latitude Latitude, in degrees.
double longitude Longitude, in degrees.

WeightedLatLngAlt(double latitude, double longitude, double intensity)

Create from coordinates with default altitude.

Type argument Description
double latitude Latitude, in degrees.
double longitude Longitude, in degrees.
double intensity Scalar weight value, in degrees.

WeightedLatLngAlt(LatLngAlt point)

Create from LatLngAlt object with default intensity.

Type argument Description
LatLngAlt point The coordinates object.

WeightedLatLngAlt(LatLngAlt point, double intensity)


boolean equals(Object object)

Equality comparison.

Returns: True if objects are equal.

Type argument Description
Object object The object instance to compare with this.
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